At LHL, we are proud of the trust our customers place in us, and the standard of service we offer. As a result, we do not tolerate the use of our services to perpetrate Fraud. As such, we will pursue and investigate any reports of Fraud, or suspected instances.

We will investigate and cooperate with the appropriate authorities any allegations of fraud. we will work to ensure that losses caused by Fraud are recovered or prevented, and that any action taken is compliant with all appropriate laws and regulations.

Knowing that Fraud is a concern that affects the industry, we ensure that our team is fully aware of the applicable laws, and that all members of the team can raise concerns about any issues they are aware of.

We will maintain a consistent and steady policy in reacting to investigations of Fraud. This means that any allegations that are proven will be prosecuted either through Civil or Criminal Courts as appropriate, to ensure that appropriate action is taken against those persons responsible.